Monday, May 29, 2023

How Technology Is Impacting The Banking Sector?

Technology has impacted all sectors today, and banking is no different. 

As smartphones, social media, and the Internet, in general, have become so important in our lives, the way we access financial products has changed to a huge extent.

The following are some of the ways technology is impacting the banking sector today:

1. Chatbots

It’s one of the main goals of all the banks and NBFCs to offer the best customer service. 

However, there are usually too many customers and few customer support agents to handle the queries. 

This problem is now being solved with artificial intelligence-powered chatbots that are able to record customer feedback and even respond to a large number of questions. 

The answers to these questions are written in scripts in advance, and the bots are able to understand the questions to provide suitable answers.

2. Cashless Payments

Cash is becoming less and less popular as the people are realizing its inconvenience and risks. 

The banks have also adapted accordingly and allow the people to make payments through various options- mobile wallets, credit cards, contactless ATM cards, etc. 

Today, you can send or receive money, pay bills, book train and flight tickets, and more without using any cash and rather enjoy discounts and cashback offers.

3. Big Data and Analytics

Banking involves the creation of tons of data- transactions, inquiries, credit usage, etc. 

The banks can now process it all with the help of technologies like analytics and big data. 

Advanced tools in these areas can identify and record the spending behaviors, credit usage habits, etc., of different customers. 

The banks use this information to offer personalized offers to customers to increase the sale of their financial products.

The banking sector has grown a lot today, and even more growth and new trends can be expected in the next few years. 

So, if you want to build a career in the same, then it would help to take a professional course.

For instance, TSCFM provides one such banking course with placement at affordable fees.

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